• Maths Quest 12 Further Mathematics 5E VCE Units 3 and 4 & eBookPLUS + StudyOn VCE Further Mathematics Units 3 and 4 2E
Author(s): Mark Barnes,Geoff Phillips,Jennifer Nolan,Anthony Novak
No. of Pages: 0
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd
Date Published: 2015-11-14
Publication City/Country: Milton, QLD, Australia
Edition: 5th Revised edition

Maths Quest 12 Further Mathematics, Fifth edition VCE Units 3 and 4 with eBookPLUS and studyON, 5th Edition provides comprehensive coverage of the new VCE Study Design for 2016-2019. It includes Jacaranda's unique exam preparation tool, studyON, which has been fully integrated with the text to maximise every student's opportunity for exam success.

Features and benefits

* Many HTML5 interactivities are available. These are designed to engage, excite and enhance understanding by bringing difficult concepts to life.
* The theory is written by highly experienced and successful teachers with a proven and fundamental understanding of how students learn mathematics and succeed in exams.
* Every exercise contains three levels of carefully graded questions which allow students to practise, consolidate and master their knowledge independently.
* Thousands of new questions have been written exclusively for this series, including many higher level questions that stretch students' understanding of mathematics for improved learning outcomes.
* CAS support is provided within the student text through activities and questions. Additionally, students can obtain detailed step-by-step instructions by accessing the TI-Nspire CAS or the Casio ClassPad II Calculator Manuals in the Prelim section of their eBookPLUS.
* studyON VCE Further Mathematics Units 3 and 4 is fully integrated with the student text. studyON is Jacaranda's unique study, revision and exam preparation tool, containing all past VCAA exam questions from 2006.

Students can rely on Jacaranda's dedicated customer service and support.

This resource is a hard-copy student text that includes the eBookPLUS and studyON VCE Further Mathematics Units 3 and 4.

studyON for Units 3 and 4 is a comprehensive study, revision and exam preparation tool that delivers proven learning outcomes through a range of interactivities, videos and past VCAA exam questions.

Features and benefits

* Sit exams: VCAA exam questions from 2006 onwards, along with marking guides and examiner comments. Students receive instant feedback and can track their results at a concept, topic or whole-course level.
* Concepts: Concept summary screens provide concise, in-depth explanations supported by relevant examples.
* Read more: Hyperlinks direct students to more information in the Jacaranda eBookPLUS.
* See more: Videos and animations bring concepts to life.
* Do more: Hands-on interactivities enhance understanding of on-screen concepts and provide instant feedback.
Book Info
Author Mark Barnes, Geoff Phillips, Jennifer Nolan, Anthony Novak
Date Published 2015-11-14
Edition 5th Revised edition
First Author Mark Barnes
ISBN 9780730321736
No. of Pages 0
Publication City/Country Milton, QLD, Australia
Publisher John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd

Maths Quest 12 Further Mathematics 5E VCE Units 3 and 4 & eBookPLUS + StudyOn VCE Further Mathematics Units 3 and 4 2E

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