• Alicia En El Pais de Las Maravillas
Author(s): Lewis Carroll
Format: Paperback
No. of Pages: 220
Publisher: Fondo de Cultura Economica USA
Language: Spanish
Date Published: 2015-11-12
Dimensions: 142 x 193 x 15mm
Publication City/Country:

Alicia en el pais de las maravillas traspasa el umbral que separa la realidad del sueno y se adentra en un territorio sin leyes ni normas donde todo es posible. Triunfo de la imaginacion y del ingenio, esta narracion recrea un mundo de escenarios y criaturas insolitos, y pone en entredicho todos y cada uno de los postulados logicos del mundo convencional.
Este volumen presenta, junto a la traduccion magistral de Luis Maristany y las laminas clasicas de John Tenniel, una nueva edicion de Las aventuras subterraneas de Alicia, la obra seminal que el reverendo Dodgson -Lewis Carroll era su seudonimo- escribio e ilustro a mano para Alice Liddell en 1864. Cierra el tomo Alicia para los pequenos, la adaptacion infantil que el propio autor hizo de su propia obra en 1890.
In 1862 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a shy Oxford mathematician with a stammer, created a story about a little girl tumbling down a rabbit hole. Thus began the immortal adventures of Alice, perhaps the most popular heroine in English literature. Countless scholars have tried to define the charm of the Alice bookswith those wonderfully eccentric characters the Queen of Hearts, Tweedledum, and Tweedledee, the Cheshire Cat, Mock Turtle, the Mad Hatter et al.by proclaiming that they really comprise a satire on language, a political allegory, a parody of Victorian children s literature, even a reflection of contemporary ecclesiastical history. Perhaps, as Dodgson might have said, Alice is no more than a dream, a fairy tale about the trials and tribulations of growing upor down, or all turned roundas seen through the expert eyes of a child."
Book Info
Author Lewis Carroll
Date Published 2015-11-12
Dimensions 142 x 193 x 15mm
First Author Lewis Carroll
Format Paperback
ISBN 9786077451730
Language Spanish
No. of Pages 220
Publisher Fondo de Cultura Economica USA

Alicia En El Pais de Las Maravillas

  • $616